Experimental Study to Improve the Exergy Performance of Water Based Photovoltaic Thermal Collector (PV/T System) Using Water Guides


  • Hazim A. Al-Zurfi Author
  • Hyder H. Balla Author
  • Ali N. Al-Shamani Author


Electrical and Thermal, Energy analysis, Exergy analysis, PV module, PV/T system


Photovoltaic panels can convert solar irradiance into (electrical and thermal) energy. The PV / T system was developed, created, and its performance tested in this experimental analysis. The experiment was performed with flow rate of water from 1 L / min to 5 L / min on the PV / T collector channel. The movement of water with the guides allows the PV / T collector to improve thermal heat transfer convection. The output of (electrical and thermal) energy increase with increase of radiation. The PV / T system performance varies with different of volume flow rate that was reported for (1-5) L/min in this experiment , where the total energy increase with increasing the flow rate. Energy and exergy tests is performed, and findings show the maximum electrical and thermal energy output for water-based PV / T system is 58.38 W and 465.8W at solar radiation 1000 W/m2. Meanwhile the maximum electrical and thermal efficiency of PVT system are 14.595%, 94.49 % respectively at 5 LPM . While the maximum electrical percentage improvement in PV / T systems electrical output by the use of guides device is (36.78%), compared with traditional of PV module.


